Immersive Workshops

What are these workshops?

I believe in the power of group immersions to provoke change through creative inspiration. My workshops are designed to provide a transformative experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in a supportive and collaborative environment. This offers a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Whether you seek lighthearted playfulness or profound transformation, it’s all here, waiting for you. Our Smile Activation will ignite your senses and leave you feeling invigorated and fully engaged. With our Get Up Wake Up session, you’ll dive deep into uncovering your true self and discovering what truly matters to your soul. And if you’re ready to dive headfirst, our Fun & Focus will deepen your immersion into  self-awareness, self-love, and your ability to find serenity amidst the chaos of this world. Join our extraordinary community and let’s awaken, inspire, and revolutionise our sometimes mundane lives together. That’s just a few of the workshops we have, stay connected with us to keep up to date with what’s on offer.



Fun & Focus

This is not for the faint hearted, be ready to be provoked, be ready to truly see who you are and be ready to start unravelling what is stopping you stepping into your truth.
2 day immersion
What is "Fun & Focus"?
This is not for the faint hearted, this will provoke, push, prod and pull you.
Are you ready for more? This is it. This is not a sit down and watch kinda place, this is a get shit done kinda place. Be ready for the ride, buckle up and put your helmet on, life is a wild ride and we’ll be helping you uncover, recover, discover your deep longings and how you can safely express them. You’ll be learning more about how to have an experiential life rather than a 2D dull, numb existence. You’ll discover what lights you up, what ignites you and what warms your heart. Are you ready for this? Are you ready to wake up and smile more? Gee maybe you even want to laugh a bit more? Can I even throw in a giggle or two? Do you want this?
What do you get in the ‘Fun & Focus Immersion’?:
  • 2 whole days of activating YOU – activities to wake you up, activate your senses
  • Deep connections with like-minded people
  • Learn invaluable techniques to get what you want, when you want it, through love and kindness (not manipulation – because that just leaves a sour taste in your mouth)
  • Set actions in place to have long lasting change – this is not just a weekend course – this is a life changing experience
  • Access to mind blowing tools to give you clarity about where you’re heading and what you’re doing with your precious life
  • Complimentary follow-up weekly email communication for one month after the program.
  • A 10% discount on all Embrace Inspire services for 12 months after the end of your program.
  • Access to highly certified trained Life Coach/therapist who truly cares about you and your success!!

Invitation to Play

Igniting curiosity &
embracing adventure

3 hour immersion

What is "Invitation to Play"?
3 hour workout:
Activate your senses, nurture your body and mind, and feel the joy of laughter.

Embark on a journey of curiosity, adventure, and sensory activation with our interactive workshop, “Playful Pathways.” This dynamic 3-hour session is designed to help you rediscover the joy of play, awaken your senses, and live a more experiential life. Engage in playful activities that promote creativity, connection, and a renewed sense of wonder.

What You Will Experience:

  • Curiosity and Adventure: Explore the power of curiosity in sparking creativity and fostering a sense of adventure in everyday life.
  • Sensory Activation: Engage your senses through interactive activities that heighten awareness and enhance enjoyment in daily experiences.
  • Experiential Living: Learn how to infuse playfulness into your routines and interactions, promoting a more joyful and fulfilling lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rediscover the importance of play in cultivating creativity, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being.
  • Gain practical tools and techniques for incorporating more play into your daily life.
  • Foster deeper connections with others through shared playful experiences.
  • Leave with a renewed sense of curiosity and a commitment to living life more fully.

Why Attend? This workshop is ideal for anyone seeking to infuse more joy, creativity, and spontaneity into their daily routines. Join us for an inspiring experience that will empower you to embrace playfulness and live a more vibrant, experiential life.

    The Art of Being Alone

    Cultivating self-love &
    embracing inner peace

    3 hour immersion

    What is "The Art of Being Alone"?

    Discover the beauty and strength in solitude with our transformative workshop, “The Art of Being Alone.” This interactive and engaging 3-hour session is designed to help you overcome fears of being alone, embrace self-love, and find peace in solitude. Learn practical strategies for independence, self-care, and self-moderation while connecting with others who share similar experiences.

    What You Will Learn:

    • Understanding Fear of Being Alone: Explore the nature of FOMO (fear of missing out) and the need for constant connection, and learn how to shift your perspective to embrace solitude.
    • Embracing Solitude and Self-Love: Engage in mindfulness exercises, self-love workshops, and discover solo activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
    • Developing Independence and Self-Care: Set personal goals, practice techniques for detaching from outcomes, and create a personalised self-care plan.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Gain a deeper understanding of the psychological and societal influences on your comfort with being alone.
    • Develop practical skills to enjoy your own company and foster a positive relationship with yourself.
    • Learn how to set boundaries, practice self-care, and engage in activities that promote personal growth and well-being.

    Why Attend? This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to cultivate a stronger sense of self, improve their mental and emotional well-being, and learn to thrive in solitude. Join us for an empowering experience that will leave you with a deeper sense of self-awareness and the tools to live a more fulfilled and independent life.


    How to be an Introvert in this LOUD world

    Learn to navigate the crazy world, understand your needs and be able to communicate them.
    3 hour immersion
    What is "How to be an Introvert in this LOUD World"?

    Navigate the challenges of a bustling, noisy world with confidence and ease in our interactive workshop, “How to Be an Introvert in This LOUD World.” This engaging 3-hour session is designed to help introverts understand their unique needs, communicate effectively, and find their place in an extroverted society. Gain insights into the perspectives of others and learn how to feel comfortable in energetic environments while staying true to yourself.

    What You Will Learn:

    • Understanding Your Introverted Needs: Delve into the nature of introversion, recognise your personal needs, and learn how to honour them in different social settings.
    • Effective Communication: Practice techniques for clearly expressing your boundaries and needs, and learn how to navigate conversations with confidence.
    • Finding Comfort in the Mania: Explore strategies for managing overstimulation, understanding the perspectives of extroverts, and finding your balance in a loud world.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Develop a deeper understanding of your introverted nature and how to thrive in an extroverted society.
    • Learn practical communication skills to assert your needs and boundaries effectively.
    • Discover strategies to stay calm and centered in noisy, high-energy environments.
    • Connect with fellow introverts and share experiences, tips, and support.

    Why Attend? This workshop is perfect for introverts who want to embrace their personality, improve their social interactions, and find peace and joy in a loud world. Join us for a transformative experience that will equip you with the tools to navigate life confidently and authentically as an introvert.

    Stop This Shit in My Head

    Learn to make sense of your inner dialogue, let it guide you not drive you insane.
    3 hour immersion

    What is "Stop This Shit in my Head"?

    Quiet the constant chatter and find peace with our transformative workshop, “Stop This Shit in My Head.” This engaging 3-hour session is designed to help you calm your mind, reduce mental noise, and embrace an experiential life. Discover practical strategies for relaxation, mindfulness, and finding joy in the present moment. Learn to detach from unproductive thoughts and immerse yourself in activities that bring happiness and calm.

    What You Will Learn:

    • Understanding Mental Noise: Explore the sources of constant chatter and noise in our heads, and learn why we create these stories.
    • Calming the Mind: Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to quiet your thoughts and find peace.
    • Embracing an Experiential Life: Discover how to engage your senses and fully experience the world around you, fostering joy and calm.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Gain a deeper understanding of why we experience constant mental chatter and how it affects our well-being.
    • Learn practical techniques for calming your mind and reducing stress.
    • Discover ways to engage your senses and enjoy life more fully.
    • Participate in interactive activities that promote relaxation, joy, and mindfulness.

    Why Attend? This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to quiet their mind, reduce stress, and find more joy and peace in daily life. Join us for an empowering experience that will leave you with the tools to calm the noise in your head and embrace a more experiential, fulfilling life.

    Register your interest

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    Frequently asked questions

    Who are the Group Immersions For?

    Our group immersions are perfect for those who appreciate the power of community, where you come together with others in a supportive and nurturing space. People who are like-minded can help to amplify your own needs & desires, and highlight your areas of improvement & growth.  These transformative workshops offer a unique chance to explore both the joy of playfulness and the depth of personal growth. You get to awaken, inspire, and lighten your life with others who are seeking the same.

    How deep do we go in the group sessions?

    Our Smile Activation is led with play and joyfulness, activating your smile muscles and your light. You get to ignite your senses and leave feeling invigorated and fully engaged. Get Up Wake Up will find you deep diving into uncovering your true self and discovering what truly matters to your soul, we will dig a bit deeper and look more into your heart. If you’re ready to dive headfirst, our Fun & Focus will go deep, this one is not for the faint hearted, we will uncover, recover, discover.  This is a deep journey to our inner truth.

    Let’s be clear – this is not a spectator sport – you wont be on the sidelines watching, you will be in amongst it, doing the work.

    Jeanene is known for her provocative nature, she will push you where she knows you need it. She tailors sessions blending many modalities, she uncovers your ‘tricksters’ getting in your way, which means you get lasting transformation. Unlike conventional approaches, Jeanene’s method is confrontational, yet playful, prioritising long-term results.

    What if I am an introvert and don't really like being around people?

    At Embrace Inspire, we understand that everyone has their own preferences and comfort levels when it comes to social interactions. Our workshops cater to individuals of all personality types, including introverts. We create a supportive and inclusive environment where you can explore your growth journey at your own pace. Every activity is an invitation and your experienced facilitator will guide you through transformative experiences that are designed to empower and inspire you. Jeanene is highly experienced in reading rooms, and knowing what people need, sometimes even before they know it themselves. She has an open communication policy and encourages contribution. These immersions are not dictations of information, they are a collaborative experience for everyone in the room.

    Which immersion should I do first?

    At Embrace Inspire, our group immersions are designed for individuals who are ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Whether you seek lighthearted playfulness or profound transformation, our workshops provide a transformative experience in a supportive and collaborative environment. It’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded souls, ignite your senses, and find serenity amidst the chaos of this world. Join our extraordinary community at Embrace Inspire and let’s awaken, inspire, and revolutionise our sometimes mundane lives together.

    How many people in the group immersions?

    Our group immersion sizes vary depending on the content, duration, and location. We prioritise small intimate groups, which fosters a close-knit and supportive environment. However, we also recognise the benefits of having a larger group in certain situations. Each workshop has its own unique vibe, allowing you to choose the one that resonates with you. Discover more about our workshops and find the perfect fit for your journey of self-discovery and inspiration.

    Do I need to prepare for my immersion?

    Once you register for your session we will send you the necessary preparation work. Some of our workshops may require more in-depth preparation to ensure you can fully benefit from our time together. Regardless of the session you choose, being well-prepared will enhance your ability to absorb and retain what you learn in your immersion. We understand the importance of self-inquiry, self-love, and self-growth, and we want to support you every step of the way. Take a moment to reflect on the things you are doing in your life and consider if they are truly serving you or hindering your personal growth. Are your daily activities expanding your experience or limiting it? To assist you in this process, we will provide you with materials to guide your inquiry and understanding. We celebrate your commitment to your personal adventure, and we are here to empower you.

    What will I actually get from these immersions?

    This depends on what you are looking for. If you want to just connect with others, you’ll get that. If you want to deepen your self knowledge and understand more about why you do the things you do, you’ll get that.  if you want to change the behaviours you have that no longer serve you, you’ll get that.  If you want to laugh more, you’ll get that.  If you want to experience more joy in life, you’ll get that. If you want to learn to relax more, you’ll get that.  If you want to have a more experiential life, you’ll get that.  If you want to meet some pretty cool people, you’ll get that.  What are you looking for?

    We provide a welcoming and nurturing space where you can awaken your body and mind, connect with like-minded folks, and forge meaningful relationships. Treat yourself to well-deserved “me” time and enjoy activities that bring a big smile to your face while deepening your self-awareness. Our workshops go beyond the surface, diving deep into uncovering your true self and finding what truly matters to your soul. With ongoing support and a collaborative environment, our group immersions offer a unique opportunity for personal growth. Join us on this extraordinary journey and embrace, inspire, and transform your life today. Provoking Change Through Creative Inspiration.

    How long are the sessions?

    Our sessions vary in length depending on the workshop. The ‘Smile Activation’ session is a 2-hour workout for your senses, the ‘Get Up Wake Up’ session lasts for 5 hours, and the ‘Fun &  Focus Immersion’ is a 2-day intensive experience. Each session is designed to provide you with a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth, igniting your senses and leaving you feeling invigorated and fully engaged. 

    Is there any after session support?

    At Embrace Inspire, we believe in providing continuous support to our participants even after the sessions. We understand that personal growth is an ongoing journey, and we are here to guide and support you every step of the way. Jeanene is available to assist you with any questions, concerns, or challenges that may arise after the workshops. We offer complimentary weekly email communication for one month after our Fun & Focus program to ensure you stay motivated and on track. We are committed to your success and are here to help you embrace, inspire, and transform your life. 

    How many sessions should I attend?

    We offer three distinct sessions that cater to your individual journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Whether you prefer a shorter introduction to our immersive experience with our ‘Smile Activation’ session, a deeper exploration of your true self with our ‘Get Up Wake Up’ session, or a comprehensive two-day adventure of self-awareness and self-love with our ‘Fun & Focus Immersion’, the choice is yours. You can start with the shorter sessions and lead into the full 2 day immersion, or just chose an immersion that resonates with you.

    What techniques are used in the immersions?

    “I embrace and inspire and provoke change through creative inspiration.”

    I have been Embracing & Inspiring peoples lives for many years by combining coaching, therapeutic, creative arts and other modalities to provide a uniquely experiential immersion every time. I am passionate about bringing back more play, laughter, fun and purpose into your life.  I understand the value of living an experiential life and this drives every activity in each workshop we do. 

    I have a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major in Psychology and Education, which allows me to understand human brains, mental & learning capbilities & limitations and how nature and nurture impact our experiences in this world.

    I have recently re-certified with Paul McKenna as a Hypnotherapist, which allows me to take you on a swift, deep journey to your inner control panel and make permanent and essential changes. Hypnotherapy is an incredible modality for change. Sometimes it seems too simple to be true, and the impact is such a pleasure to work with. I love embedding hypnotherapy techniques into my workshops.

    I am a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming  (NLP), and a Trainers Trainer in NLP, and have been practicing this ‘way of being’ for many years and believe our world would be a far better place if every human had NLP 101 under their belt.  This is the study of human excellence & human communication, which allows us to see the truth about conflict and how we interact with others, why we argue with people and why our body and minds respond to things the way they do. When we understand the mechanics of our bodies and minds we can live a more empowered life.

    I am also blessed to be a Master Practitioner of Matrix Therapies (Advanced), Your Quest Practitioner, Matrix Constellations and Archetypes, trained by the wonderful Pip Mackay. These therapies allow us to uncover root causes of behaviour and heal them through fun, playful methods which allow you to see things as they are and not as you have programmed them into your neural pathway.

    I love blending fun, intensive techniques from my extensive Acting Teacher Training. A brilliant actor masters the art of connection, response and authenticity. I bring these elements into workshops and immersions, to deepen your experience.

    I am so grateful to be a Therapeutic & Transformational Life Coach, this is such a gift. I feel very honoured to have coached people over many years to be living a more purposeful life, with more joy and feeling more aligned. Asking the right questions is essential for getting the most effective results. I implement this in all immersions.

    I am so blessed to be a Third degree Reiki Practitioner & Shamanic Reiki Healer, which allows me to use energy to heal and understand the physics of human biology and healing.

    Should I do one-on-one sessions as well as the group immersions?

    There is power in both group sessions and one-on-one sessions. By combining the energy and support of a group with the personalised attention of individual sessions, you can intensify and embed your learnings on a whole new level. Our experienced facilitator will guide you through transformative experiences that embrace, empower and inspire.  Join our extraordinary community at Embrace Inspire and discover the magic that awaits you.

    Do you have any recommended reading?

    My favourite books are an endless list but here are a few life-changing ones :

    • The Untethered Soul – Michael A Singer
    • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience –  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
    • The Art of Is – Stephen Nachmanovitch
    • You Can Heal Yourself – Louise Hay
    • Unlimited Power – Anthony Robbins
    • Stolen Focus – Johann Hari
    • A Curious Mind – Brian Grazier
    • The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
    • The Prophet – Kahlil Gibran
    • Dare to Lead – Brene Brown
    • Calling in the One – Katherine Woodward
    • Greenlights – Matthew McConaughey
    • Be Happy – Robert Holden

    Experience the power of group immersion

    If you would like to chat with us about which group immersion is best for you, book in a time below and we will uncover what you are looking for and which options are best aligned to your life adventure.