Finding more fun and joy every day





Seeking the extraordinary
Craving more fun
Hungry for connection

What do you want more of?
What do you want less of?

Unleash your desires
Redefine your limits
Embrace your soul

It’s time to step into your truth

Every day is an invitation to explore the depths of your desires. What are you longing for more of? What are you yearning to release?

Daily Love encompasses the art of cultivating a happier life through subtle transformations.

Embrace the challenge of smiling a little more each day and witness the blossoming of your inner happiness. And when the weight of frustration burdens you, practice the art of letting go, even if it’s for just a moment each day. Become a beacon of kindness, ignite your inner joy, and witness the changes in the world around you.

Let us be your guide on this soul-stirring expedition of self-discovery. Take a leap toward your blissful existence today with a complimentary session. Immerse yourself in the life-transforming power of self-inquiry.

Daily Love

What can you do every day to be 1% happier?

If you could smile just a little more each day, what would you commit to?


What can you do every day to be 1% less frustrated?

If you could be just a little less frustrated every day, what would you commit to?


What can you do every day to be 1% kinder?


If you could be just a little kinder every day, what would you commit to? 

What can you do every day to be 1% less angry?

If you could be just a little less angry every day, what would you commit to?


1 + 14 =

My approach

I embrace and inspire and provoke change through creative inspiration.

I have been Embracing & Inspiring peoples lives for many years by combining coaching, therapeutic, creative arts and training modalities to provide a uniquely experiential immersion every time. I am passionate about bringing back more play, laughter, fun and purpose into your life.  I understand the value of living an experiential life so we can enjoy this precious time more, rather than feeling like an eternal Groundhog Day of a life.

I have a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major in Psychology and Education.  Paul McKenna certified Hypnotherapist, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Trainers Trainer in NLP, Master Practitioner of Matrix Therapies (Advanced), Your Quest Practitioner, Matrix Constellations and Archetypes, Acting Teacher, Therapeutic and Transformational Life Coach, Third degree Reiki Practitioner, Shamanic Reiki Healer, and extensive experience with Executive CoachingMentoring.

Frequently asked questions

When do I need coaching?

You’ll know when you’re ready. Personal coaching is not an easy journey, but it is incredibly fulfilling. It requires effort and dedication. Your coach won’t make everything magically easier, brighter, and simpler. You have to be prepared to put in the work and commit to increasing your joy and peace. If you want more in life – more love, laughter, joy, success, calm, and peace; or less – anger, frustration, disappointment, fear – having a coach can make the adventure more achievable and rewarding. It can speed up the process and help you overcome the obstacles holding you back in a dynamic and comprehensive way, leading to long-term change.

How deep do we go?

Be prepared to delve into the depths of personal transformation. Every interaction is an invitation to undergo powerful change. Jeanene is dedicated to provoking long-lasting shifts in your life. If you’re seeking surface-level small talk, this may not be the right fit for you. Our work here is about profound transformation, so it’s important that you are prepared to do the work and step into the journey towards lasting change.

What will I actually get from coaching?

In a coaching relationship with a transformational coach you will tap into your brilliance, ignite your inner passion, and unleash your genius. Through personalised sessions and immersive experiences, you learn to find more joy, step into your purpose, and experience a more experiential life. My goal is to equip you with the necessary tools to become your own coach, guiding you in making profound changes, shedding unhelpful behaviors and attitudes, while cultivating new ones that support your personal journey.

What techniques are used in the coaching sessions?

“I embrace and inspire and provoke change through creative inspiration.”

I have been Embracing & Inspiring peoples lives for many years by combining coaching, therapeutic, creative arts and other modalities to provide a uniquely experiential immersion every time. I am passionate about bringing back more play, laughter, fun and purpose into your life.  I understand the value of living an experiential life and this drives every activity in each workshop we do.

I have a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major in Psychology and Education, which allows me to understand human brains, mental & learning capbilities & limitations and how nature and nurture impact our experiences in this world.

I have recently re-certified with Paul McKenna as a Hypnotherapist, which allows me to take you on a swift, deep journey to your inner control panel and make permanent and essential changes. Hypnotherapy is an incredible modality for change. Sometimes it seems too simple to be true, and the impact is such a pleasure to work with. I stringly use hypnotherapy within your personal coaching sessions.

I am a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming  (NLP), and a Trainers Trainer in NLP, and have been practicing this ‘way of being’ for many years and believe our world would be a far better place if every human had NLP 101 under their belt.  This is the study of human excellence & human communication, which allows us to see the truth about conflict and how we interact with others, why we argue with people and why our body and minds respond to things the way they do. When we understand the mechanics of our bodies and minds we can live a more empowered life.

I am also blessed to be a Master Practitioner of Matrix Therapies (Advanced), Your Quest Practitioner, Matrix Constellations and Archetypes, trained by the wonderful Pip Mackay. These therapies allow us to uncover root causes of behaviour and heal them through fun, playful methods which allow you to see things as they are and not as you have programmed them into your neural pathway.

I love blending fun, intensive techniques from my extensive Acting Teacher Training. A brilliant actor masters the art of connection, response and authenticity. I bring these elements into your coaching sessions, to deepen your experience.

I am so grateful to be a Therapeutic & Transformational Life Coach, this is such a gift. I feel very honoured to have coached people over many years to be living a more purposeful life, with more joy and feeling more aligned. Asking the right questions is essential for getting the most effective results. I implement this in all immersions.

I am so blessed to be a Third degree Reiki Practitioner & Shamanic Reiki Healer, which allows me to use energy to heal and understand the physics of human biology and healing.

How long are the sessions?

Your personal coaching sessions are 60 minutes each. If you would like to see if we are in alignment please book a 15 minute exploration call before your first session. The number of personal coaching sessions we will have together depends on the challenges you are currently facing, or the changes you are wanting to implement. Don’t take it personally, but I want as few sessions as possible with you. My goal is to  teach you to coach yourself, so you can recalibrate your life when and where you need to without the dependency on someone like me, you’ve got this!

Is there any after session support?

I understand that personal growth is an ongoing journey, and I am here to guide and support you every step of the way. I am available to assist you with any questions, concerns, or challenges that may arise after our session together. We will mutually agree to the best method of contact between sessions. I am committed to your success and are here to help you embrace, inspire, and transform your life.

How many sessions should I attend?

The number of personal coaching sessions we will have together depends on the challenges you are currently facing, or the changes you are wanting to implement. Don’t take it personally, but I want as few sessions as possible with you. My goal is to  teach you to coach yourself, so you can recalibrate your life when and where you need to without the dependency on someone like me, you’ve got this!

Should I do the group immersions as well as the one-on-one sessions?

There is power in both group sessions and one-on-one sessions. By combining the energy and support of a group with the personalised attention of individual sessions, you can intensify and embed your learnings on a whole new level. Our experienced facilitator will guide you through transformative experiences that embrace, empower and inspire.  Join our extraordinary community at Embrace Inspire and discover the magic that awaits you.

Do you have any recommended reading?

My favourite books are an endless list but here are a few life-changing ones :

  • The Untethered Soul – Michael A Singer
  • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience –  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • The Art of Is – Stephen Nachmanovitch
  • You Can Heal Yourself – Louise Hay
  • Unlimited Power – Anthony Robbins
  • Stolen Focus – Johann Hari
  • A Curious Mind – Brian Grazier
  • The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
  • The Prophet – Kahlil Gibran
  • Dare to Lead – Brene Brown
  • Calling in the One – Katherine Woodward
  • Greenlights – Matthew McConaughey
  • Be Happy – Robert Holden

Book your free exploration session

Ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and fulfillment? Book a consultation with us today and let us guide you towards a life of joy and purpose. Unleash your potential, find inner peace, and embrace a happier existence. Join us at Embrace Inspire and experience the power of creative inspiration to ignite the fire within you. We can’t wait to help you embark on this incredible adventure!